Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Salut for Stephen/nie

Who does not know Stephen Hawking?Scientists worst I ever encountered.He is a kosmolog most in the world.Yup, the theory about the black hole [hole that is not really black, but a term that when a star has exhausted time stars will collapse due to gravity style of its own].In fact this theory has been popular on the right before it but was merely the most Hawking understand about this theory.In addition he is also the largest this century theory that Relativitas General Theory Einsten and quantum Mechanics.According to the book Relativitas General Theory Einstein, there are only 10 people in the world to understand the correct theory of this.I just have to read it several times even turn back and the book still does not understand the blister that I understand it is, that time is relative is not constant, as in say, Newton. Stephen Hawking to its powerful than me [hha! Of course..]. he has learned that the spirit is very high even though the physical is not possible, imagine he had ALS the disease should make it sit in a wheelchair.Therefore, the conclusions from earlier so I think that people who have names such as Stephen Hawking, Stephenie Meyer, its great people. Kosmolog that one expert, the candidate make a novel international best seller. So I will be thinking to change my name.hha!

Made In Indonesia

If I remember the title above seems to me to be pessimistic nation of Indonesia.View only items available in our own markets, most goods from outside the nation. From electronic goods [was clear] until the razor blade [shame]. Even from newspapers that I read today, the state debt is much greater than the ability to export even in the case compared with the ASEAN countries other [even under Malaysia] we include the most shameful. Reasonable only because our culture is like that [more proud of the goods made in foreign countries] try to check your self, we are even more proud to have the blackberry phone, apple laptop, car Fla.-Z Ferrari, converse shoes, Louis Vuitton handbags, prada , channel, drink at starbucks, eat at McD, hobby band [almost all that we do not have identity as own].When we will be proud to own the product of the nation? Indonesian people are strange, if already in other countries claim the same new rage. Angklung fact aja more popular abroad than in his own.Indonesia concerning the vehicle was only able to become the largest consumer [again] until the congestion happens everywhere. But in the land which is not only produce that [the Japanese people to go where-where only the public, in singapore people also prefer the MRT when the people there have wealth that exceeds the indonesian] but at the indonesian people themselves are often poor use private cars to go everywhere.If the maxim that most people indonesian "Think locally and act globally" so do not wonder if it can destroy our nation.

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Bad day

Hari ini adalah hari terburuk dalam hidupku. Oh MY GOD!! Apa yang terjadi dengan hidupku?yup.hari ini adalah hari pertama aku mendapatkan ulangan terjelek dalam hidupku. Baru kali ini aku dapat 53 dalam ulangan matematika...GILA!!! aku ga tau harus ngapain atw gimana lagi,aku juga ga tau sudah seberapa sintingkah otakku ini. Tapi yang jelas aku ga mungkin harus bunuh diri seperti Mahasiswa NTU. Kecewa, kesel, marah, sedih dengan diriku sendiri. Tapi toh penyesalan itu memang selalu datang belakangan. Mengutuki diri sendiripun ga ada gunanya..jadi buat apa aku menyiksa diriku? Tapi aku masih kesaaaaaaal!!! Maaf ma, aku pasti udah ngecewain mama..